Healthcare software performance testing and monitoring

Test complicated healthcare software and medical office applications with ease then stay ahead of issues with proactive monitoring.

Performance management crucial for healthcare applications
Technology manages every point of care — from patient admissions and physician rounds to medical records and bed management. And the need for effective performance management solutions is more urgent than ever.
After all, a poorly performing application — whether it is slow to respond or unavailable from time to time — can put employee productivity, quality of care, and patient safety at risk.

Automai Loader is the only front-end driven performance load testing tool on the market.

Healthcare software monitoring
AppsWatch offers a unique front-end approach that looks at application performance exactly as a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, radiologist, front desk clerk, or other end-user experiences it.
The software continuously monitors an application’s availability and response time throughout each stage of the healthcare process – such as patient admission and discharge, physician rounds or pharmacy’s orders.
Test and monitor industry leading medical software platforms

"Before AppsWatch, trying to find the source of the problem typically entailed days of consultation with several departments and multiple vendors. We found that we weren't able to respond effectively to issues. With AppsWatch this is possible in a matter of minutes."
Robert Goodhand
IT at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Robert Goodhand
IT at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
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